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    Receive your OHM Beadmail and be surprised, photograph the new arrival ready for the reveal every 16th…pation

BEADMAIL NO. 36 Chi Chi Stick 3.0

March 2024 - Beadmail No. 36 / GOTM No. 31

BEADMAIL NO. 36 Chi Chi Stick 3.0
Retail Price: $170

"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck," as stated by the Dalai Lama. When we find ourselves unable to attain our desired outcome, it is common to experience negative emotions. However, upon revisiting the same situation, we often discover that things have actually turned out for the better. What may have initially seemed like a setback could have been a blessing in disguise, leading to unexpected opportunities. Every situation, challenge, and person we encounter in our lives serves a purpose: to facilitate our personal growth. The Tibetans have a saying that encourages us to express gratitude for our problems, recognizing their role in our development and resilience. These challenges test us, helping us evolve and mature. Ultimately, embracing this perspective allows us to navigate the ups and downs of life with a sense of appreciation, understanding that even in moments of disappointment, there are valuable lessons and hidden blessings awaiting us.

GOTM NO. 31 Lucky Strike
Retail Price: $70

Beadmail is the ultimate surprise for the luck-seekers out there! Ignite your passion for an extraordinary experience every month as you await the revelation of which color fate has chosen for you. Are you glad you took a chance? This time it could be your lucky strike! Glass variations are all about the luck of the drag!
A palette of six vibrant colors, each encapsulating its own unique luck-based charm, LUCKY STRIKE invites you to embrace the anticipation and excitement of the unknown every month, eagerly awaiting the moment when luck reveals its true colors to you.

Will you strike it lucky with a brilliant shade that mirrors a stroke of luck in your life? Or perhaps your surprise hue will symbolize good fortune, adding an extra tinge of serendipity to your day. Regardless of the outcome, this LUCKY STRIKE promises to infuse your life with a sense of delight and enchantment.
Inhale the indulgence in the thrill of this lucky draw! Captivate yourself with the colors that destiny has in store for you. Remember, life is full of surprises, and you never know when luck will strike in the most delightful way.



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New orders will be processed as per the Beadmail Schedule, no worries, we're working on crafting your first order as the next is processed. There are 2 months between date of order & ship date for monthly subscriptions.

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    Don't take our word for it. Hear what our subscribers say

    "This bead is a reminder of my father who loved to play cards of any kind.. also my daughter was addicted to playing hearts! This beadmail 8 of Hearts is so detailed. Great Job OHM!!"

    "Love this third version of the Chi Chi stick. The cute cat face atop the bamboo container is adorable, the outstretched cat paw with fortune — cuteness amplified. Blind bag and different languages for “Luck”. It’s a perfect bead."

    "Beautiful Rock of the Quarter, love the earthy clay color, perfect for autumn designs and neutrals. Looks great with RAWR collection glass and silvers."

    "This is an excellent opportunity to buy high quality rare beads"

    "Love my Beadmail. It was a nice surprise and a good size bead. It arrived really quickly so I could enjoy my bead play."

    "A wonderful bead, the quality of the stone, the cut, the shine, make it unique!"

    "Beautiful glass charm, I really enjoy the ethereal glow of it!"

    "Great new addition .Great for a space bracelet, very elegant !!!"

    "Ohm did an awesome job with this rocket! Great details, perfect size! Lovely addition to my space charms! Thank you ohm!"

    "OROQ No.5 is a thriller in material and shape. This gorgeous Ruby Zoisite in a sweet 5-petal flower shape is magnificent. The Be Together stone represents harmony, self discovery, meditation, and individuality. Love how different this one is and my bead has a great mix of colour."

    "I was so surprised (in a good way) when I opened up this OROQ beadmail. The cut of the stone is amazing and the one I got is such a beautiful ruby zoisite!! I love OROQ and I feel like it keeps getting better!"

    "I really love the bead"

    "This one came in different colors and I got a very beautiful blue one. I’m happy with it!"

    "This bead is just stunning. I am so glad I was able to find this bead as an extra that was available outside the Beadmail subscription. Thank you!"

    "I wasn’t sure when I first saw the red hearts if I liked them or not. When I tried them with some other beads, I began to appreciate them. I really like them now!"

    "Not usually a fan of Rose Quartz, but the cut and quality of this bead is really amazing"

    "Everything shipped fast and the packaging was beautiful!"

    "I love my charm! And shipping was very fast! I will definitely be back to purchase more of the beautiful beads!"

    "It's a great program for those who loves the experience to being surprised."

    "The aptly name Brumal Fantasy, GOTM No.15, is the perfect bead for November. Breathtaking is the adjective that comes to mind as I look at my mesmerizing, crystal clear, triangular shaped glass bead. Every angle offers an exquisite view of beautiful, wintry colours peppered with silver sparkle. A stunning bead I will use often. Delighted!"
    "Beadmail No.20 was a thrill to open! I love really detailed silver beads and this Time Sleigh has so much to admire. It has a steampunk feel, full of pipes, bolts, & other design elements. As someone who desperately hopes to find a vintage Sugar Sleigh bead, this one makes me very happy. Perfect for holiday bracelets or time traveler stylings."

    "Love the colors of this glass! It pairs well with so many of my ohm glass!"

    "Great program. I enjoy the new bead each month."

    "I like the concept of OHM rock of the quarter. I must admit I saw much more beautiful ones in social media. Mine has not so much contrast and color in the stone. But that’s the game of blind bags. I like it anyway."

    "5 stars +++++ One of the MOST beautiful glass beads in my collection! Just the dreamiest design; mesmerizing in every way! Phenomenal colour and complexity. Love!"

    "My favorite beadmail yet! This is a creative and fun design! She’s perfect for fall! The details on this kitty are phenomenal! I’ve been wearing her constantly!"

    "Love the creativity of this design."

    "Love Beadmail 16. It ‘s the perfect bead for my travel bracelet and represents a recent family trip."

    "Fantastic design for the hot summer. Swirls of light blue and white make me think of clouds, and waves with whitecaps. The ideal glass for hot weather stylings or stacks of blue. A great glass to receive from a fun blind bag subscription. Delighted!"

    "I couldn't wait to get my first OROQ and was extra excited to know it would be a Tiger's Eye stone. At first I thought mine was a little dark but then...when I moved into the light, Carol Ann, oh...my...goodness!!! I think I got the best one ever!!! This is a spectacular stone, beautiful facets, and magnificent colouring! I am thrilled!!! The variation in the golden brown stone is incredible and dreamy! Fantastic!"

    "I love all the Glass of the month beads, of course some of them more than others 😉 this one is really nice even if it’s not a 100 percent bead for me. But that’s the joy of surprise beads!"

    "Lindo. Maravilhoso. Perfeito."

    "I adore this GOTM! Such delicious colours swirled together like a Pucci dress. Donut shape is fun. I was really happy when I opened the box! Well done!"

    "I have enjoyed the first year as an OG Beadmail Early Adopter. It has been full of wonderful surprises and lots of fun. I am looking forward to what the next year brings!"

    "I love getting a surprise beadmail each month. Plus, sharing in the surprise and anticipation of the reveal with other beadmail subscribers is half the fun. Some of the designs have absolutely blown me away and I would have been heartbroken to miss out on them."

    "It’s a cool concept! I do love that so much thought is put into making the beads. I love the backstories and learning."

    "It is fun receiving a special surprise in the mail each month! As an adult, it is hard to have that little kid at Christmas feeling and this program gives me that feeling."